Many car owners and transport company owners want to track their respective vehicles in real-time for security reasons and In case of any emergency, people are not getting the proper help if the internet/call facility is poor and this leads to big chaos.
WatchOut providing an Interface with all the tracking functionalities and an emergency assist button in case of a panic situation for everyone using the application. People can reach out to nearby helpers or vice versa for a better city environment. Lowering the crime rate within the City and getting proper help even if the internet/call connectivity is poor in the area where the problem has occurred. The owner can Start/Stop vehicle with a tap of a button from the app.
We designed the hardware with efficient spacing so that it will fit easily. We used a bluetooth relay solution for the car, and Start/Stop and OBD2 to get the statistics of the car like speed, location and video/spy calling, etc.
An online network for connecting appliances with mobile platforms for the storage and analysis of data. It enables the user to operate appliances from anywhere, and give alerts to the user if something happens.
Mobile Apps to operate the car’s engine, notify you when a car is speeding, track location and allow video/spy calling.