During this tough time of COVID 19 conducting clinical assessments in the safety and privacy of your home may be preferable to going to a doctor’s office or hospital. Also, blood pressure measured in the doctor’s office is not always accurate.
BP Correct provides Self-monitoring capabilities that enable the user to track their BP and other health data over time in different formats, including graphs or tables, and access the summary.
This app provides valuable background information for users about how to measure blood pressure adequately. The app can export blood pressure readings and other user data to be sent by email or print. This enables patients to share their measurements with their health care providers and relatives. The application also reminds you to check your blood pressure for 7 days in a row. There is payment integration also done in the application. This solution has been developed keeping HIPAA Compliance guidelines in mind.
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) requires organizations working in healthcare to adhere to standards to ensure protected health information (PHI) is secure. HIPAA 2020 mandates that organizations working with PHI implement technical, physical, and administrative safeguards to protect the sensitive information that they work with.
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